Saturday, November 2, 2013

Orks: The Enemies of The
      The orks(orcs, raks, arks, norcs, or hobgoblin) have been the bigest enemy of Serbinia since the war of Ticonderoga. They speak kingon with a few exceptions, though they first spoke the language. Orks were originally born "in the same style of the children of Iluvatar"

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bartholemew Busby
Boy Inventer
     Bartholemew Busby is a steampunk ancestor of the Sergant of Serbinia. He is the son of the famous Sky admiral Stephen Montgomery. During the infamous Zulu-Saxon war, both men were major help to the crown. Bartholemew invented the alloy clouduim which floats when excited (as in electrifying it), which allowed much more soldiers to be brought per airship, to Africa. Beyond its use in airships, cloudium allowed the floating Cloud9 city to be built, though the cit was destroyed by a terrorist attack that spread human rabies throughout the city and killed most residents while turning others into paranoid cannibals.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

READ THESE!!!!!!!!NOW!!!!!!!!!!

The history of Serbinia

The great War of Ticonderoga

The effect of the great Ticonderogan war is not an unimportant one in the history of Serbinia. The war started when the Ticonderogans, who lived on the planet Argo, tried to stop trade in their solar system. This was something Serbinian trade ships could not adapt to because the solar system (Trendor Hen) was in the middle of Serbinian space (then only a handful of solar systems) and to go around it would take precious months and thousands of gallons of fuel.  Before the war started, Serbinia had star troopers. These were millions of soldiers hired by the United Planetary Security (U.P.S), a company headed by Mr. T. Ketcham. The company sent every available star trooper, 7,458,132 soldiers, to the planet. 
On the first day, the company suffered 42,000 losses.  Soon the company realized that it needed more than the simple startroopers and G class ships (huge spherical starships designed to carry supplies), so they started devising ships that could destroy the hard to reach unterbunks (“under fortress” in the Ticonderogan language),  which lay hundreds of feet down. On the topic of how the U.P.S. solved the problem, a pilot named Captain Mahogany tells us, “We had to descend at a 45 degree angle and fire these little devices into the ‘anthills,’ as we [pilots] called ‘em, so they would fly into the air holes and clog them up so that the air would get used up and they [Ticonderogans] would have to open up the secret front door where thousands of our troops would rush in and secure the anthill.” He was the first of the fighter-jet pilots the company sent in to weaken the Ticonderogan army.
Months later, the Ticonderogan army decided to abandon the no longer defendable anthills and adopt jungle fighting. The jungles of Argo have an acidic quality which corrodes the metal that startrooper armor is made of. This led to the discovery of “the metal that won the war ,” argium, a metal that  withstands hours of machine gun fire when in pure form (argium 1.0).  This metal does not corrode and lies on the surface because the rock around it dissolves, leaving only the metal vein behind. The metal was used in the body armor of the newly developed Serbinian army. This army was one made out of billions of super soldiers created by the newly discovered telecloning.
With the invention of teleportation, the traders no longer needed the inter-stellar routes. They then decided to leave Argo, indirectly making the Ticonderogan species die out from hunger. Their farms and seed stores had been destroyed by the invaders, leaving no food for the vegetarian race.

Monday, January 2, 2012

From Serbinia with love, reenactments of Serbinian happenings!

What is wrong here?
  1. Defense gunner was not ready
  2. Orc has not one, But two weapons!
  3. My ship is not parked were it needs to be
  4. Gate operator is holding a bomb! with the intention of   not putting it on the catapult, but throwing it over the wall
  5. Scout/chief radiosman dropped his elcto binoculars
  6. Bird is holding a gun with his beak
  7. My gun is in the open
  8. Gate operator is also not ready

Sorry I couldn't post this sooner

     okay, a little fast.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Story page (I will SUE anyone for using my stories as much as I can)

This might look bad because it is only a scan, I didn't want to retype the story so I just scanned the printed copy.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

odd life.

      If you ever see "bloody rain", you should seriously think about flying to another country, why you ask well, put it this way several deadly plagues (including the first plague of Rome) came after a red rain fell. This pre-plague phenomenon is now known to be caused by red bacteria.There are usually meteor or comet crashes before the rain though.
     Did you see 9/30/11's waves? The water was red! Then came the not so brilliant bioluminescence  light show the next night.